By using this site ( you accept these terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, please do not purchase any products or services. Additional terms and conditions of use, available at, apply to the use of Web Live Solution’s website generally.

E Pixel Services products and services which do not require physical delivery. Delivery for various products is made as per following procedure:

Web Design / Development :

Delivery is made by providing developed application through email or by copying application on web server.
Web Hosting :

Delivery is made by creating web hosting space and providing login details of web hosting account.

Domain Registration :

Delivery is provided by registering the domain and then providing login information for the domain control panel.


Delivery is provided by carrying out Search engine optimization tasks and providing report for the same over email.

Replacement of Corrupted or Defective Software : will replace software downloaded from only if such software is defective or corrupted. Please contact Customer Service in the event of defective or corrupted software. You must contact Customer Service within 30 business days after receiving or downloading such software in order for to replace such software.

Services : does not accept returns on its services (including without limitation customer support contracts, professional services, and product customizations) that are sold to customers under contract.

Online Demo :

Online Demo is available for the products offered by; however we do not guarantee demo for all products. General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.

Delivery Terms :

We provide software that is down loadable in nature which involves no shipping. For other services, we do not provide any guarantee for the time of product delivery since it may vary from one product/service to another. To obtain further information, please contact Customer Service